I have had numerous people comment that they are worried because I haven't posted in -ack- five months!!! Where has the time gone?
THIS time, no news has been GOOD news. That is my excuse for not posting.
Last May, just as school got out, I was starting to feel better and while, I didn't have much energy, what I had was NOT spent on the computer. In fact, that is one reason I have not blogged -- I am rarely on the computer these days. I have tooo much to do. SUCH a nice feeling!
So......our summer was spent with swim team:
Friends, family and family fun:
We all did a little travelling:
Rick and I even did some camping and hiking: sadly, I don't have pictures to prove I did this. :) I forgot to bring the camera to Girl's Camp, but I promise I DID go and I DID hike. I have witnesses of what a sloppy sweaty mess I was -- but I was there. :) And, I have been asked to go next year. I have until Memorial Day weekend to try to be in better shape to do the hike next year. whew! It really was the hardest physical thing I think I have ever done, but I did it and I can do it again!
Rick loved his High Adventure!!!! They went up into the High Uintas hiking (and fishing). He was in heaven -- cool crisp weather, big blue skies over high rocky mountains, roughing it.
We had less than a week after Girl's Camp to get ready for school. I thought at that point that I would have so much extra time for: blogging, sewing, crafts, friends, Family History, reading. I am laughing while I right this. Where do the hours in the day go????? I am still baffled by this.
September came rushing through soon after school started, which means birthday time at our house. And this year was another big birthday year!
Emma's birthday was a fun day. The night before, she had gone out to dinner and had a pedi/mani with Grandma and then spent the night at Grandma's house. So, she started her birthday spoiled rotten and it didn't stop there. She got a new bike for her birthday and is still adjusting to the hand brakes. She also got a new dress and a few other baubles (like sunglasses from Caleb).
Two days before Caleb's birthday we had had a party for him and a bunch of friends (this is one reason Emma got to spend the night with Grandma). It was a Nerf gun Capture the Flag party. They played, ate, played, ate, opened presents, played video games, then back to Nerf wars. It was loud and crazy and a lot of fun!

Then came Caleb's big day. For three years now, he has known his 12th birthday would be on a Sunday. So he has been asking for 3 years if he could be ordained to the Aaronic Priesthood on the same day. What a thing to ask for! Our Bishop was happy to fulfill that wish. :) Caleb was so happy that day. He got up early that morning and went to a Stake Priesthood Meeting with Rick and when he came walking out of his bedroom in his new suit, he looked very big and tall and handsome. I did NOT give him permission to grow up so fast. I am happy that he is happy about receiving the Priesthood. We are so blessed! And he is so loved -- we are blessed in that, too. It was beautiful to see his Dad place his hands on his head, to have uncles there to help whom he looks up to and adores, to feel the Spirit as it came to rest upon Caleb in his new responsibilities.
I wish everyone had been there to watch him walk up to the stand when the Bishop called him up. He was adjusting his collar and tie and trying to look so grown up and tall! I wish every Primary teacher who ever despaired of him EVER being reverent could see him pass the sacrament. He takes it so seriously and looks forward to it every week. He does a fine job!
Because Rick is so tall, you can't REALLY see how much Caleb has grown until you see him by my Mom and by me:
So, now that I am caught up, I will try to do better at keeping up.
I think most people know by now, but I am not showing any cancerous "activity" at this moment on tests. It is the first time in 9 years!!!!! The masses in my abdomen are still showing up, though they are much much smaller, but they are just "junk" now that needs to be gotten rid of. So, I am still doing a low-dose chemo treatment every 3-4 weeks and am also working with another doctor who has run more tests and is getting down to the root of why I got cancer in the first place and how I can prevent getting it again (we hope, we hope, we hope). He is doing a bunch of stuff with my hormones, after testing me and seeing that I am not make even trace amounts of progesterone, way way way way way (his words) too much of one of the estrogens and not any cortisol. I am starting to take bio-identical hormones and I am starting to have more energy every day. I am very hopeful!
My prayers and thoughts have been with my sister Rebecca who just had surgery yesterday for breast cancer. They caught it early, she loves her Dr. and I have been inspired by her attitude and her bravery! I am grateful my wonderful sister Deborah is now only 10 minutes from her!